This Job Shop Found Success with Swiss-Type Turning
This northern Ohio job shop is very good at making parts on Swiss-type machines. It's evolved the business from manual engine lathes to lights-out manufacturing. Success didn't come easily, but it has indeed come to this shop.
Read MoreBanking On A Swiss-Type
To shops used to conventional turning, the CNC Swiss-type is a strange sort of lathe. But for the right jobs, the machine is worth both the price and the learning curve.
Read MoreJob Shop Cuts Processing Time 60 Percent
Innovative Manufacturing used to spend ten minutes per part machining cast iron differential housings for golf carts, but now total machining time is down to three minutes, 45 seconds. According to Innovative owner and president Rob Sander, the productivity leap came when the company consolidated turning, milling, drilling and reaming into a single machine tool.
Read MoreTurning Three Days Of Work Into Three Hours Of Work
Read how the Arbor Department of this major manufacturer greatly reduced set-up time to deal with increased capacity.
Read MoreFlexibility Doesn't Have To Be A Stretch
This company complements automatic machines with a versatile CNC turning center. The strategy provides many of the advantages of a fully flexible process.
Read MoreSetting Up For Single Setups
This California shop doesn't just consolidate operations, it consolidates machines--using a lathe that doubles as a cutoff saw and machining center.
Read MoreBeyond Swiss Precision
This medical-industry job shop has staked its reputation on superior process expertise with multi-axis--and multifunction--CNC Swiss-style turning centers. The ability to cut small and complex parts completely in a single setup provides huge benefits to the shop and its customers.
Read MoreWhy Y-Axis For Turn/Mill Machines?
Live tooling on turning centers greatly expands multiple processing capability. With the addition of Y-axis, turning and machining process integration takes a significant step further. Here's how the technology works.
Read MoreScope Maker Sights-In Turning Process
Working toward goals of improved efficiency and quality, this Oregon rifle scope maker looked holistically at their manufacturing operation and matched appropriate processes and technology to each operation. Some improvements arevery simple, and some are quite sophisticated.
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