Vertical Machining Centers
VMC Eliminates Vibration for Micromachining Applications
Makino’s V22 VMC is designed to eliminate vibration, rotational deflection and thermal distortion to ensure precision, accuracy, reliability and stability
Read MoreWhat Your Handbook Isn’t Telling You
Tony Schmitz, professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, gives a presentation on machine tool dynamics. Learn the role that this concept plays in realizing your optimal machining center performance.
Read MoreVMCs Support Heavy Machining
YMT's QV-179 and 209 VMCs feature a heavily ribbed Meehanite casting for stability.
Read MoreVMCs Engineered for Precision Mold Making
Designed specifically for precision mold machining, Hyundai Wia’s Hi-Mold series of high speed VMCs offer a rigid bridge-type design that is said to minimize heat generation.
Read MoreA Big-Picture View of Micromachining
Matrix Tooling makes injection molds for components that have features you cannot see.
Read MoreAutomated VMC Fills Capacity Gap
A new Feeler VMC from Methods Machine Tools has not only met this manufacturer’s need for additional capacity, but also taken on more work than initially expected.
Read MoreUniformity Paves the Way for Flexibility
Standardizing on one brand of machines provides the flexibility this firearm component manufacturer needs to accommodate a variety of custom component designs.
Read MoreDouble-Column VMC Offers High Rigidity
The FVM-3016DCL double-column VMC from Chevalier features a table size ranging from 126" × 57" to 165.4" × 57" with a table load ranging from 14,330 to 17,637 lbs.
Read MoreMachining Center Reduces Change-Over Time
Southwestern Industries’ Trak LPM machining center is designed for for low-volume work.
Read MoreSpace-Saving VMC Efficiently Machines Complex Medical Parts
The Mazak Vertical Center Nexus Compact is a space-saving, high-speed, VMC designed for small, complex medical parts.
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