Workforce Development
The Knowledge System
This company sees knowledge to be a vital production resource. Capturing and sharing information are now routine functions on the shop floor. Here are lessons the company learned.
Read MoreCNC Training On The Internet
In most companies, the largest productivity gain can be achieved by improving the proficiency of people. This is true for just about any task to be performed, but here we’re talking about CNC machine tool use.
Read MoreFast Machining With Fewer Tools
Machining centers capable of precise motion at high feed rates can reduce the number of tools it takes to complete a part.
Read MoreThis Shop Shines...And Sorts, Simplifies, Standardizes And Sustains
The 5S principles are proving to be a powerful prelude and prerequisite to lean manufacturing at this aerospace job shop.
Read MoreGlobally Integrated Machining
To serve global customers, this company manufactures plastic injection molds on a global basis. It does this not by outsourcing to overseas shops but rather by partnering with the right ones. The key is consistency from mold to mold, continent to continent.
Read MoreSchool Shops Aren't What They Used To Be
I have fond memories of my junior and senior high school shop classes. These classes helped me realize that I had the capability to build things and taught me how to be patient when working on a project.
Read MoreNew Height Gage Boosts Inspection Throughput For Small Job Shop
Used basically to locate holes and accurately measure diameters from 2.5 inches down to .25 inch, the gage has largely replaced others-primarily gage block setups and bore gages-and permits faster, more frequent dimensional checks at far higher accuracies.
Read MoreThe Value of Skills Standards
Members of the American Machine Tool Distributors’ Association (AMTDA), who provide manufacturing solutions through the applications, sales, training and service of machine tools, are keenly familiar with the challenges confronting their customers, U. S.
Read MoreTraining By The Numbers
A formal training program not only helped ease this firm’s transition from cam automatics to CNC lathes, but it also enabled the firm to staff a third shift in record time.
Read MoreAttracting The Workforce Of Tomorrow
Toolmakers and precision machinists know that it is a lot easier to get the job done if you have the right tool, and it is even easier if you can use a standard tool instead of making a customized tool. These same principles hold true in promoting careers to the workforce of tomorrow.
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