Workforce Development
OSG Announces Scholarship Winners
Maram Safi of Elk Grove High School and Casey McCormick of Fenwick High School each received $1,000 scholarship toward their education in their chosen fields.
Read MoreAdvanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program Registers in Wisconsin
Among the programs members in the state are Hermle Machine Co. LLC, Krones Inc., and Basin Precision Manufacturing.
Read MoreIt’s Still All About the Process
Processes are the foundation of manufacturing businesses. Take the time to review your processes for relevancy and fix those that do not meet requirements.
Read MoreJob Shop Automates Quoting and Programming
From quoting and design analysis to the application of tool paths, software automation facilitates custom-machined parts on demand and without middlemen.
Read MoreProviding the Next Generation with Digital Fabrication Tools and Education
Equipped with machines from Roland DGA, the first 4-H Fab Lab will provide students in Lakeside, Arizona, with a chance to learn manufacturing skills at their own pace.
Read MoreAdditive Manufacturing Apprenticeship Framework to Be Unveiled
A free, one-day public forum on the Apprenticeship Works Program will be the occasion for the unveiling, a product of a partnership between America Makes, the Robert C. Byrd Institute and various manufacturers.
Read MoreMachine Monitoring Both Challenges and Benefits Shop Culture
How does a shop deal with the “Big Brother” feeling that comes from implementing machine tool data collection? Part of the answer is the benefit to employee experience that this data collection will make possible. Watch video from the Top Shops Conference.
WatchRadio Ad Succeeds for Shop Seeking Staff: Five New Hires This Year
MRS Machining says a side benefit of the advertisement is visibility and recognition. Most who made contact were unaware of the shop before the ad ran.
Read MoreGrob Goes Big on Universal Machining Centers
At an open house in Germany, Grob described its focus on the aerospace market for its line of universal machining centers.
Read MoreManufacturing News of Note: February 2018
CT scanning for mid-size metal castings, funding secured for an Apprentice Academy in Virginia, and more industry news.
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