Workforce Development
Shoptech Partners With Vincennes University
Shoptech Software has partnered with Vincennes University through its Computer Integrated Manufacturing Program. The software developer has donated its E2 Shop System to help students learn the skill sets needed to succeed in a computer integrated manufacturing environment. “E2 will be the exclusive shop management system in our curriculum,” says Doublas Brown, dean of MTDAM at Vincennes University.
Read MoreCNC Training Software Uses Actual NC Programs
Siemens Energy & Automation’s SinuTrain CNC training software is designed to run with Windows XP and is said to be suited for machine tool control-identical simulation training. The software is designed to provide mill and lathe operators with a high degree of practical hands-on experience prior to using the CNCs for the first time, the company says. While using the application, NC programs are developed and simulated using a direct connection to the company’s CAD systems to further speed the program generation protocol.
Read MoreContest Winners Display Creativity, Skill
Mori Seiki USA has announced the winners of the 2008 Innovation of the Americas machining competition, which is designed to recognize talented machinists in the metalworking industry. Four professionals from reputable industry organizations and universities, led by Professor Kazuo Yamazaki of the University of California, Davis, judged more than 130 entries in four categories. The entries represented a wide range of materials, sizes and shapes, and were of such high quality that selecting winners was challenging for the judges.
Read MoreThe Connection Between Labor and Lean
Lean manufacturing is about identifying and optimizing variables that affect cost and time. This same systemization can make the process easier to staff.
Read MoreSurvey Shows Increased Need For Skilled Labor
Advanced Technology Services (ATS) reports that the baby boomer retirement coupled with a lost generation of factory workers has aggravated the skilled labor shortage for U. S. manufacturers.
Read MoreManufacturing Training Via Mobile Devices
TU Mobile is a mobile training platform from Tooling U that allows users to access the company’s training Web site from anywhere in the world, without using a computer. The company says that by introducing the platform, it intends to increase usability and portability of training. The platform offers many features from the company’s main training site.
Read MoreBryco Before and After
Within a two-month period, this Chicago-area contract shop reorganized the shopfloor, implemented new procedures and eliminated employee toolboxes. Here are the benefits the shop has seen.
Read MoreMakino Offers Online Educational Resource
The success of Makino’s online seminar program has led to the creation of the Online Seminar Library, a multimedia educational resource designed to further the manufacturing competitiveness of North American shops. The library features more than 60 online seminars broadcast by Makino applications engineers since the program’s inception two years ago. Upcoming live events are expected to bring the total number of seminars to 100 by the end of the year.
Read MoreReport Of The Vincennes University Advanced Manufacturing Program
To merely label the IMTS 2008 experience as “successful” would be an understatement. A more appropriate adjective would be “amazing!”This year’s IMTS experience was much more extensive than that of 2 years ago due to the sharp increase in enrollment in the Advanced Manufacturing program. With an enrollment increase of more than 300 percent in just 2 years, 28 students accompanied Vincennes University HTEC Director Doug Bowman and the new Advanced Manufacturing instructor Tim Bauer for the week-long show.
Read MoreMTConnect Moves Ahead
MTConnect is a machine tool communication standard being developed by AMT—The Association For Manufacturing Technology ( ). It’s reaching a critical point in its progress. It will soon need some “early adopters” who will embrace the concept, apply it to their products, champion the cause to other
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