
What is Adiabatic Cutting?

If you’re cutting a healthy amount of workpiece blanks, then this atypical cutoff process might be the ticket.


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Producing a ton of blanks? Consider adiabatic cutting.
A couple years back I couldn’t tell you. However, a chat with the folks at High Velocity Impact Technologies offered some insight on this alternate means to create workpiece blanks. 
Also known as high-velocity impact cutoff, adiabatic cutting uses kinetic energy (provided by a mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic press and precise dies) to create a shockwave of sorts that softens a narrow, vertical plane through a piece of barstock. The energy is converted into heat faster than the material being cut can dissipate it, and this controlled plastic deformation separates the material. Learn more about it here.
Adiabatic cutting equipment isn’t suitable for every shop. However, if yours is a high-production operation that’s creating a bunch of blanks, it might be right up your alley.