YCM Alliance Hits IMTS
YCM Technology has joined with other like-minded machine tool manufacturers to take a solutions-based approach to manufacturing.

The YCM Alliance is comprised of global machine tool brands, dedicated to providing complete solutions that meet the needs of specific applications common to industries like die and mold machining, medical equipment manufacturing and general parts machining. Photo Credit: YCM Alliance
At this year’s IMTS, YCM Technology is highlighting its cooperation with other machine tool brands in the YCM Alliance.
The YCM Alliance is a customer-focused program in which like-minded machine tool brands, dealers and experts work together to supply customers with application-based solutions. This program is designed to help customers improve processes, quality and overall machining productivity by focusing on solutions rather than industries. “We’re not going to tell you that our machine is good for this or that industry,” says YCM sales manager Michael Keeling. “We’re going to provide solutions to applications, not industries.”
The processes focus on three process-specific themes: die and mold applications, general parts machining and high-speed milling. Participating companies include YCM itself; , a European producer of rigid, automated milling machines designed for both general purpose and die and mold applications; , a manufacturer of large, gantry-style milling machines; and Exeron, a manufacturer of sinker EDM and high-speed milling machines.
Participating Alliance partners subscribe to a common assessment process designed to better understand each customer’s unique requirements, challenges and goals. The result is a comprehensive recommendation that takes into consideration process, machine types, configuration, special layout, financing, cost justification and ROI. Service and support levels are guaranteed across all YCM Alliance brands, systems and components to ensure steady performance and reliability.
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