
Metrology Solutions Expo to Take Place in South Carolina

Events will include training seminars designed to familiarize attendees with quality techniques and principles of metrology.


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The Metrology Solutions Expo (MSE), taking place May 2-3 in Greenville, South Carolina, will offer  attractions for manufacturing executives, production engineers and quality engineers. The expo’s focus is on precision measuring technologies including instruments, systems and automation engineering in industrial manufacturing applications.

Admission and lunch are free, but the event is only open to qualified manufacturing professionals, professors and students. It will be held at the TD Convention Center in Greenville, South Carolina, in the James H. Woodside Conference Center. Attendees must pre-register at the MSE website.

In addition to hands-on live demonstrations of the latest technologies by exhibitors, experts from sponsoring companies will teach training sessions about manufacturing quality techniques and principles. The training schedule and instructors include:

  • “Basic GD&T Principles” - Greg Calabria (Zeiss Industrial Technology)
  • “How Do I Plug into Industry 4.0?” - David Wick (Zeiss Industrial Technology)
  • “Principles of Hardness Testing” - Walter Wardzala (Mitutoyo America)
  • “You Won’t Err with Air: Basics of Air Gaging” - George Schuetz (Mahr Exactly)
  • “Force and Material Testing Made Easy” - Rick Lasure (L.S. Starrett Co.)

According to Dan Carter, president of exhibiting company MSI-Viking Gage, the seminars will provide continuing education and enable attendees to better understand the variety of available measuring techniques. “The purpose of this show is to give manufacturing professionals first-hand experience with the newest quality control techniques and solutions,” Mr. Carter says.

Chris Downs, assistant director for strategic analytics at AMT—The Association for Manufacturing Technology, will deliver the lunchtime keynote speech, “Onward and Upward: The Machine Tool Market for the Coming Year.” Mr. Downs will discuss imminent changes in the manufacturing industry and steps companies are taking to address them.

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