Seco Expands, Simplifies SMG Classification System
An updated classification system is designed to make it easier to maximize metalcutting operations.

Seco (Troy, Michigan) has released a new version of its workpiece material classification system (SMG), which is said to make it easier to understand the complicated interactions between cutting tools and workpiece materials during milling, turning and homemaking operations. With SMG V2, Seco provides new data and simplifies the way content is organized so that more customers can use the classification system as a basis for maximized metalcutting operations and productivity gains.
The updated system includes information on tool materials such as PCBN, PCD and ceramics, as well as a wider range of workpiece material classifications for steels, cast irons, nonferrous materials, super alloys, titanium, plastics, composites and more. Color-coordinated groups within the system indicate the ISO category for each material type, while a comprehensive cross-reference list indicates where a material may appear in different SMG groups based on how it is processed, for example, annealed, quenched and tempered for through hardening. Furthermore, each SMG category includes details on a reference material that users can review to determine if the cutting data should be adapted for the specific application.
Workpiece materials are categorized by type, capabilities and characteristics, rather than relative levels of machinability. A simplified cutting-data chart format now runs common across all Seco product catalogs. In addition, a new data display format makes charts applicable to all tool types and includes cutting tool recommendations, the company says.