
Andon System Visualizes Machine Status Remotely

Mitsubishi Electric Automation has introduced the iQ Monozukuri Andon.


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Mitsubishi Electric Automation has introduced the iQ Monozukuri Andon. The Andon package facilitates visualization of production sites using Mitsubishi Electric’s GOT2000 graphic operation terminal and a web browser. iQ Monozukuri Andon offers pre-engineered project data and software to help small and medium-size shops implement and operate an Andon machine status indicator system.

The package enables companies to visualize information from the production floor and share the information without the cost and time normally associated with implementing an Andon system, according to the company. It is said to aid process management and information distribution in the production site and display production plans and bulletin boards without technical knowledge of Andon systems.

The system is designed to allow all stakeholders within the shop to view the production status. When a problem occurs on the shop floor, workers can notify supervisors and maintenance staff without stepping away from the production line; and, using a connected mobile device to see the issue, supervisors and maintenance personnel can determine how to respond.

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