
Automation and Connectivity Features Boost Machine Data Platform Efficacy

IMTS22: Expanded features from MachineMetrics are intended to enable manufacturers to drive frontline worker productivity and factory systems with real-time machine data.

Katie Leesemann, Former Editorial Assistant, Gardner Business Media


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MachineMetrics Inc., a company in the machine data collection and production analytics industries, has released additional features, expanding the ways in which its solution connects to and captures machine data. Additionally, new automation capabilities are intended to enable manufacturers to eliminate previously time-consuming, tedious manual tasks and gain greater visibility and efficiency throughout the shop floor.

Photo Credit: MachineMetrics Inc.

Automated Production Tracking enables manufacturers to capture operational data used to track production performance – such as cycle count, cycle times, part count and more – straight from the machine with no requirement for human interaction, giving them a comprehensive view of what is happening throughout their facilities.

The Automated Operational Dataflow to Business Systems feature enables manufacturers to automate the flow of operational data into external systems, such as ERP or MES, in order to inform and track work orders without the need for manual data input or manipulation.

The ifm IO-Link Connector enables manufacturers to gain more comprehensive insight into the conditions surrounding their machines in order to identify and reduce downtime associated with machine issues, according to MachineMetrics. With the ability to connect to 27,000 sensors available from ifm, manufacturers have the possibility capture environmental variables not measured via the machine control – such as ambient temperature, humidity, and coolant temperature – and utilize MachineMetrics to analyze and create automations to take action on the provided data.

The Universal Robots Connector expands MachineMetrics’ footprint on the shop floor by assisting customers with the connection and capture of valuable data from any equipment from Universal Robots, a provider of industrial collaborative robots (or cobots) which automate and streamline repetitive industrial processes.

Packaged CMMS Integrations enable real-time machine condition data to automatically trigger critical maintenance activities in the CMMS system. This was designed to enable manufacturers to more quickly and effectively address machine issues, reduce downtime and improve machine health.

The Tool Wear Monitoring feature enables high-volume manufacturers to optimize the life of tools using high-frequency machine data captured at the source. By tracking tool wear patterns and anticipating tool breakages, customers can save on tooling costs, help prevent unplanned downtime, reduce scrap and improve product quality.

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