
LK Metrology Presents CMMs, Inspection Monitoring Solutions

IMTS 2024: LK Technology is displaying a range of CMMs, laser scanners, inspection monitoring software and more. 


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Source: LK Metrology

LK Metrology Inc. is exhibiting a variety of products, including CMMs, the company’s Camio software and other related accessories.

Five different CMMs are being displayed and demonstrated including: the LK Altera SF equipped with an SLK25 laser scanner; the Altera S Scantec 5 equipped with a Renishaw Revo-2 five-axis scanning system; the Altera C HA high-accuracy CMM; the Alto 6 × 5 benchtop CMM equipped with a PH20 probe; and a manual Alto 6.5.5.

LK is also demonstrating the latest version of its Camio measurement, programming simulation, analysis and reporting software. In addition, the Industry 4 Metrology Gate, LK’s portal for remote inspection monitoring and the advanced version of TouchDMIS CMM software are being shown and demonstrated. Other CMM software like Renishaw Modus, Polyworks and CMM Manager that are frequently used with LK Metrology CMMs are available for demonstration as well.  

Related accessory products being highlighted include LK’s TSRS-5-Port storage rack; Styli cleaner; and LK’s CMM checking gage. 

Source: LK Metrology

LK Metrology’s products are used worldwide to control and improve the quality of manufactured components. They are said to underpin the process chain from design, development, production and assembly through to quality assurance in global industries such as automotive, aerospace, defense, motorsport, energy, medical and contract inspection.

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