
Range of Grinding Wheels Provide Higher Profile Accuracy

IMTS 2018: Norton Saint-Gobain Abrasives is displaying its Xtrimium range of gear solutions designed for gear grinding in tight-tolerance environments.


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Norton Saint-Gobain Abrasives is displaying its Xtrimium range of gear solutions designed for gear grinding in tight-tolerance environments. The gear-grinding products are designed by category to provide higher profile accuracy, better form holding and burn-free grinding in worm, profile and bevel applications. 

The company’s dual-worm grinding wheels feature a high-performance vitrified bond section for grinding and a fine-grit resin section for polishing the gear teeth, enabling one wheel to perform what traditionally requires two wheels. The wheels also are said to reduce harmonics and improve surface finishes to 1.0 mm Rz and 0.05 mm Rpk. 

The grinding platform covers a range of gear grinding processes and works with the company’s grain and bond technologies in worm grinding wheels, profile grinding wheels and bevel grinding wheels. The worm grinding wheels feature micro-structured ceramic grains and provide free cutting action and wheel homogeneity, enabling constant performance throughout the wheel thickness for the life of the wheel. The profile grinding wheels are designed for deep-profile gear grinding, featuring high porosity and permeability for high material removal rates. The bevel grinding wheels feature a porous bevel formation for fast, burn-free cutting.

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