Software Updates Enhance Cobot Programming, Monitoring
New software updates have added some 50 operational and ease-of-use features to the line of OB7 collaborative robots from Absolute Machine Tools’ partner Productive Robotics.

New software updates have added some 50 operational and ease-of-use features to the line of OB7 collaborative robots from Absolute Machine Tools’ partner Productive Robotics. The software enhances cobot connectivity, expedites integration with other equipment and facilitates real-time status monitoring.
Full linear control eases the teaching process for the cobots. The software also strengthens the cobots’ ability to directly monitor and control the machines they work with, including providing instant connection to equipment with Rockwell Automation’s Ethernet IP. Live online monitoring with email and text alerts provides real-time updates and notifications of machine stoppages and other issues. Interoperability with Cognex and other smart camera systems expedites system integration as well.
With seven axes, OB7 cobots’ seven axes provide additional flexibility for reaching around obstructions and operating in confined workplaces.
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