Support Blade-Style Tooling Cuts Internal Face Grooves
Thinbit has expanded its Deepgroove line of support blade-style tooling.

Thinbit has expanded its Deepgroove line of support blade-style tooling with tools designed to cut internal face grooves with major diameters starting at 1.574" and depths of cut ranging to 1". The Deepgrove system uses modular cutting heads and clamps and can easily be reconfigured for different diameter ranges and insert sizes, the company says. Inserts are available in 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-mm sizes, with a variety of coating and corner radius options. Shanks are available as left- or right-hand orientation in 20- and 25-mm or ¾" and 1” diameters. The round shanks also accept OD/parting and external face grooving heads.
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