Vertical Pick-Up Lathes Reduce Floor Space Requirements
Emag’s VL series vertical pick-up lathes feature a shared compact design for flexible machining.

Emag’s VL series vertical pick-up lathes feature a shared compact design for flexible machining. The modular machines with integrated automation are said to offer low maintenance costs, improved accessibility, and short cycle and idle times, as well as to require less floor space. Each machine features an integrated O-automation system for transporting workpieces on its left side. When combined with the self-loading pick-up spindles, this automation concept enables short cycle times and high productivity.
Developed for manufacturing precision-chucked parts, the lathes are available in four sizes. The VL2, VL 4, VL 6 and VL 8 models accommodate 100-, 200-, 300- and 400-mm-diameter workpieces, respectively. Each VL lathe features a tool turret holding as many as 12 driven tools and can be fitted with a Y axis in the turret to enable machining of complex geometries. Constructed of vibration-absorbing Mineralit polymer concrete, the machine body features a vertical layout to promote chip flow. According to the company, all service units are easily accessed by operators for ease of maintenance. The lathes can be equipped with an optional measuring station placed between the machining area and the pick-up station for integrated quality control.
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