ABB Robotics Earns IACET Continuing Education Accreditation
The company’s robotics training courses cover material handling, painting, welding and laser cutting applications.

The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded ABB Robotics (Auburn Hills, Michigan) accreditation status for its robotics training courses. The company’s training courses now provide learners with IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which can be transferrable to college credit.
“ABB Robotics is proud of our education programs which train 3,000 manufacturing and industrial automation professionals each year in important robotic operation and programming disciplines,” says Christelle Keefer, director of training, ABB Robotics.
ABB Robotics’ training curriculum covers a range of applications, including material handling, painting, arc welding, spot welding and laser cutting.
ABB Robotics completed a rigorous application process, including a review by an IACET site visitor, to achieve its accreditation. The firm successfully demonstrated adherence to the ANSI/IACET 1-2013 Standard addressing the design, development, administration and evaluation of its programs.
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