
Automatic Bar Feeder Supports Small Diameters

LNS America introduces the Express 220 S2 automatic bar feeder designed for 12-ft. bars with diameters ranging from 2 to 20 mm or, with bar preparation, bar diameters ranging to 26 mm.


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LNS America introduces the Express 220 S2 automatic bar feeder designed for 12-ft. bars with diameters ranging from 2 to 20 mm or, with bar preparation, bar diameters ranging to 26 mm. According to the company, the bar feeder uses a simple loading strategy designed for smaller-diameter bars with an automatic loading mechanism and a bar selection system to load small bars, particularly in the 2- to 4-mm diameter range. It is equipped with a high-speed headstock synchronization system and is said to enable quick change-overs.

Built on the rigid platform uses in the Express 332 S2, the Express 220 S2 bar feeder damps vibration with an automatic, 6" hydrostatic front stabilizer designed to eliminate residual vibration between the bar feeder and lathe. Other features include a handheld touchscreen HMI and Ethernet readiness with a 500-part library, designed to reduce change-over time and material waste.  The machine also features a 240-mm-wide magazine tray and can be equipped with an extended-capacity magazine tray enable lights-out production, or an optional retraction system for non-guide-bushing applications.

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