
Cutting Tool Database Interfaces with Simulation Software

CGTech now offers an interface to Zoller’s TMS Tools Management Solutions database that enables easy transfer of cutting tool information to the company’s Vericut software.


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CGTech now offers an interface to Zoller’s TMS Tools Management Solutions database that enables easy transfer of cutting tool information to the company’s Vericut software. Vericut simulates CNC machining to identify errors in the NC programs, including collisions, over-travel and gouges. The program enables manufacturers to verify the accuracy of the program before it is loaded on the machine, reducing or eliminating the need for manual prove-outs, and optimizing cutting speeds.

The TMS database includes cutting tool information provided by suppliers, as well as information from physical tools that have been scanned through Zoller’s presetter and measuring machine product lines in 3D. Operators can use the CGTech interface to transfer cutting tool sets to Vericut, so that only a single source database is needed for both programming and simulation.

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