
Gage Amplifiers Enable In-Process Grinding Monitoring

Marposs offers its next-generation P3up and P7up electronic gage amplifiers that connect with Marposs measuring heads for reliable in-process workpiece monitoring on grinding machines.


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Marposs offers its next-generation P3up and P7up electronic gage amplifiers that connect with Marposs measuring heads for reliable in-process workpiece monitoring on grinding machines. When combined with the measuring heads, the amplifiers enable real-time monitoring of the grinding process. As the part is being ground, the stock removal is measured and compared to set points to control the machining process and part quality. The P3up is suitable for simple in-process gaging applications, while the P7up is designed for more complex applications.

Both units are intended for direct, pin-for-pin replacement of older Marposs electronic gage amplifiers. Use of the new amplifiers extends the life of older in-process gage applications without dramatically impacting the machine control or gage system, and minimizes the cost of upgrading expired electronics, the company says. The units are protected for use in hostile workshop environments.

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