Hurco's Max5 Control Can Now Import Solid 3D CAD Models Directly
The Hurco Max5 control now includes a 3D Import feature with 3D DXF technology enabling the user to load the file they receive from their customer directly into the Hurco control.

The Hurco Max5 control now includes a 3D Import feature with 3D DXF technology enabling the user to load the file they receive from their customer directly into the Hurco control.
“3D Import eliminates extra steps and is a huge time saver,” says Mike Cope, product technical specialist for Hurco. He says that paper prints are growing obsolete for many shops as it becomes more common for them to receive solid models of the parts they need to produce. In response, he says, Hurco developed 3D Import, which displays all geometry that the CAD system outputs, including splines. For example, with 3D DXF, the user can select the bottom of a contour, and the Z-axis depths will also be automatically input into the conversational block.
Previous versions of DXF translators only displayed lines and arcs data, and were only useful in two dimensions, since no Z-axis data were translated, the company says. The solid model portion of 3D Import automatically creates the necessary Transform Plane data blocks in conversational programming for five-sided programs.
Powered by WinMax, the Max5 control is designed for flexibility and intuitive operation. It is equipped with a 2.7-GHz dual-core processor, 4 GB RAM, a 128-GB solid-state hard drive, 10,000-block lookahead, and a graphical user interface that supports multiple machining strategies.
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