
Instant Spectrum Analysis

The wireless machine health monitor (MHM) from GTI Spindle provides full predictive maintenance information that is accessible anywhere, anytime, the company says, and there are virtually no limitations of sensor type or number of contact points. The system allows users to access vibration signatures, temperature, pressure and other vital information to ensure machine health.


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The wireless machine health monitor (MHM) from GTI Spindle provides full predictive maintenance information that is accessible anywhere, anytime, the company says, and there are virtually no limitations of sensor type or number of contact points.

The system allows users to access vibration signatures, temperature, pressure and other vital information to ensure machine health. Users can set alarm levels and detect unbalanced tools, deteriorating bearings or any other anomaly that would indicate a predictable failure. The system’s sensor constantly monitors any upcoming problem, enabling the user to plan or avoid downtime.

For example, if an operator changes a tool or any other important machine component and it is misaligned or out of balance, bearings and/or components could wear at an accelerated rate, causing an unplanned failure. This could potentially go overlooked and undetected. With the monitor, an alarm e-mails or calls the user and analyst simultaneously. The problem can then be addressed by repairing or replacing the tooling, pulley or other component.

This system works the same under normal wear conditions. The alarm level triggers the user to look at the data, which may indicate a need to realign, balance or replace the problem component.

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