
Available from Fortune International, the Vturn-40 is an 80+" (2-m) lathe with a gearbox and a high feed rate for heavy cutting. With an A2-11 spindle nose, a 50-hp Fanuc a30i spindle motor and a maximum feed rate of 787 ipm, the lathe is designed to overcome the technical limitations of its predecessor, the Vturn-36. The machine can turn parts as long as 86.6", and its Kitagawa hydraulic chuck accommodates barstock as large as 3.58" (91 mm) in diameter.
Featuring a 45-degree, single-block slant bed designed for rigidity, the machine features box slideways with hardness of 55 HRC. It also includes a two-step gearbox to enhance cutting torque at low rpm. The Z axis is equipped with 1.97" (50-mm) diameter ballscrews and a high-volume coolant flush to reduce chip build-up inside the machine.
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