Machine Data Collection Software Eases Analysis
Shop Floor Automations offers version 11.0 of Predator MDC machine monitoring and data collection software.

Shop Floor Automations offers version 11.0 of Predator MDC machine monitoring and data collection software. Real-time data from machines is collected and automatically processed into reports and charts, which helps to turn data into actionable items. The company says that MDC version 11.0 eliminates the need for costly hardware for capturing real-time data, since Predator CNC Window Service enables direct Ethernet connection via FANUC Focas, Okuma THINC, Siemens 840D, MTConnect and other network protocols.
The new version provides new charts for users to choose from, with new features to help make collected data easier to read. There are new chart colors as well as machine utilization charts, scrap part charts and downtime charts. The software has a new shopfloor layout feature as well as a browser-based executive dashboard to explore.
With MDC’s updates, users now have access to DNC Touch, a touchscreen-friendly events interface, and Touch HMI. Users can also use MDC on their Android phones. MDC will now support Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, and Microsoft SQL 2014, and users will have secure human interface device data collection.
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