
Pressport is a private online network that allows users of the company’s hydraulic presses to respond immediately to any problems with their manufacturing processes, saving time and cost. Users can obtain real-time status information for their press operations by logging on and viewing data via an Ethernet connection over a secure VPN network. Status and/or alarm notifications can be transmitted via internet-enabled devices such as cell phones, smart phones or PCs. An alarm management feature sends instant text messages/e-mail notifications to mobile phones, PDA devices and computers if an operation occurs outside the PLC variables. Notifications are issued for cycle and batch completions, clogged filters and other such occurences. Additionally, a “hot” button allows operators to send an alert directly to a company engineer for assistance at any time. Remote access functionality allows connectivity to the PLC and other devices and provides the same control as if the user were on site. The FTP feature offers the ability to send and receive data and customize the data structure. In addition, the Web human machine interface (HMI) allows viewing of animated screens or tabular data through a standard Web browser interface. Users can view maintenance reports, production data and more. Data logging, reporting and trending features also can be accessed from an internal database, and users can program custom reports based on needed information.
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