Robot Cell Simulation Software Reduces Errors, Promotes Efficiency
Yaskawa Motoman’s MotoSim EG-VRC version 5.2 is a comprehensive software package that provides accurate 3D simulation of robot cells.

Yaskawa Motoman’s MotoSim EG-VRC version 5.2 is a comprehensive software package that provides accurate 3D simulation of robot cells. It performs collision detection, reach analysis and cycle time calculations in welding, cutting, handling, painting and sealing applications. The software supports multi-robot and multi-controller simulation, and can automatically generate robot paths based on 3D CAD model information. Customizable options enable application-specific instructions.
This virtual robot controller displays the actual programming pendant interface and virtual programming steps are identical to those used in the real world, the company says. The system supports INFORM programming language and simulates the controller software in the PC environment, including system configuration functions, condition file editing and FSU configuration. In addition, the software enables the creation of 3D PDF and AVI files to view and share cell layouts or program operation. Viewing angle and start/stop playback can be modified from within the pdf file.
Offline programming and testing reduces programming time and increases production uptime, since users can program new parts prior to production and modify existing programs to increase efficiency. The software’s detailed path calculation function plots the robot’s trajectory to simplify program verification. Programs created in MotoSim can then be downloaded into the robot controller itself.
In addition, offline cell design can minimize fixturing errors and reduce robot installation time. The software enables the user to add markups and comments, accurately measure distances, create permanent measurement lines and directly import 3D CAD files.
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