
Robotic Pipe Welding, Cutting Solutions

Lincoln Electric Automation’s RoboPipe system integrates features and functions for automated pipe welding and fabricating of carbon steel, stainless steel or duplex stainless steel.


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Lincoln Electric Automation’s RoboPipe system integrates features and functions for automated pipe welding and fabricating of carbon steel, stainless steel or duplex stainless steel. The system is driven by the Power Wave 455M/STT welding machine, which is rated to deliver 450 amps, 38 V at 100-percent duty cycle or 570 amps, 43 V at 60-percent duty cycle. The welding machine is suited for pipe-welding applications where heat input control, minimal distortion and reduced spatter are essential, the company says. 

 Equipped with several Lincoln Nextweld technologies, the welding machine features Waveform control technology and Surface Tension Transfer (STT) for maximum control of the arc characteristics. This particular robot-ready package is capable of welding a pipe root with STT and then changing on-the-fly to Pulse Spray MIG transfer mode for the hot, fill and cap passes. The system also can be customized to meet specific requirements and specifications.
The company’s advanced control technology is designed to expand system capabilities while simplifying operation. The system features multiple E-stop locations, customized pipe welding program logic and the ability to save approximately 500 weld programs. Additional options can also be added, including manual or automatic seam tracking, thru-arc seam tracking (TAST) or vision-based tracking. For increased productivity, a tandem MIG system can also be integrated into the robotic pipe welding system to improve speed and deposition rates. 

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