
Stamping Lubrication Is Eco-Friendly

Quaker Chemical’s QuakerDraw 504 HV and 777 DW lubricants feature water-based chemistry that virtually eliminates petroleum dependence in drawing, forming and stamping operations.


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Quaker Chemical’s QuakerDraw 504 HV and 777 DW lubricants feature water-based chemistry that virtually eliminates petroleum dependence in drawing, forming and stamping operations. 504 HV is a micro-emulsion designed to provide lubrication for heavy-duty drawing/forming of steel; 777 DW is a true solution capable of lubricating ferrous and non-ferrous surfaces without the use of chlorine and without heavy film builds. The solutions are recommended for large surface area draws, such as automobile quarter panels, floor pans, mower-deck lids or cabinet wraps.
Both solutions are said to offer cleaning efficiency, humidity protection and cost effectiveness. 504 HV has high viscosity for improved film retention, while 777 DW is low viscosity for ease of application and low residual film. Their rust-preventive properties are similar to those of a light-duty coating oil, but they maintain excellent cleaning characteristics, the company says. 

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