Swiss Turning Inserts
PMTS 2017: The MESI Chipbreaker from Sumitomo Electric Carbide Inc. is designed for Swiss turning and small parts machining, particularly in medical and other high precision applications.

The MESI Chipbreaker from Sumitomo Electric Carbide Inc. is designed for Swiss turning and small parts machining, particularly in medical and other high precision applications. Providing a low cutting force, it features a 15-degree nose and a sharp 8-degree main edge. Studies have shown the insert to perform with high wear resistance in applications using titanium, according to the company. A wavy cutting edge maintains better chip control (for bar feeder machines), while the incorporation of dimples reduces cutting temperatures. Available geometries include CCGT, DCGT and VCGT; grades include AC510U/520U/530U/AC610M/630M.
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