Toolholder with Single-Base Holder and Adapters with ER Collect Pocket
PMTS 2017: According to the company, the modular system is the first tooling system on the market with a single-base holder and multiple tooling adapters that use the ER collet pocket.

The Preci-Flex tooling system is designed to be a fast, accurate and cost-effective solution for turning machine tooling change-overs. According to the company, the modular system is the first tooling system on the market with a single-base holder and multiple tooling adapters that use the ER collet pocket. The system’s conical and flat face planar interface allows the use of either an adapter or a standard ER collet and enables collets, endmill holders, expanding collet chucks and shrink fit tooling to be mounted on a single-base holder.
Available in a range of sizes, the tooling system provides unsurpassed productivity and reliability, with every toolholder offering repeatability within 5 microns, the company says. The system also virtually eliminates machine downtime and allows tooling adapters to be interchanged between fixed and rotary base holders for fast, economical machining.
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