VMCs Support Heavy Machining
YMT's QV-179 and 209 VMCs feature a heavily ribbed Meehanite casting for stability.

Suited for heavy machining applications, YMT’s QV-179 and 209 VMCs feature heavily ribbed Meehanite casting for durable, rigid support, and extra-wide, heavy-duty boxways for cutting stability.
The machines offer X-axis travel ranging from 44" to 78", Y-axis travel ranging to 35" and Z-axis travel of 33". The machine is equipped with CAT-40 and CAT-50 taper spindles, with speeds ranging from 6,000 to 12, 000 rpm, and a 30-tool automatic tool changer. They also feature a fully enclosed Fanuc 0iMD control, an Ai contour control and 200-block look ahead with anti-JERK function.
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