Large-Capacity, Five-Axis HMC Eases Hard Cuts
The Matsuura MAM72-100H five-axis HMC from Methods is the largest in the MAM72 series.
Read MoreShop Leaders Share Thoughts on Five-Axis Machining
91Ƶվ recently started a “Top Shops” discussion group on LinkedIn. The group is for owners, managers, engineers and other senior personnel in CNC machining facilities. A recent discussion thread from that group revealed various shops’ thoughts on five-axis machining.
Read MoreOtherworldly Precision
A contract shop produces critical parts for the Curiosity rover that will soon depart for Mars.
Read MoreCell Controller Boosts Production Flexibility
By serving as the “brains” of a cell consisting of two machining centers and a work delivery system, cell control software from Erowa helps this manufacturer run lights-out 24/7 and achieve 90-percent spindle utilization.
Read MoreTransforming Industrial Robots into Precision Machine Tools
Robots fitted with an adaptive control system get real-time course corrections throughout the machining cycle.
Read MoreFive‐Axis Machine Offers Rigidity, Precision
The space-saving DMU 60 eVo five-axis machine from DMG/Mori Seiki is designed to manufacture complex workpieces in the aircraft and medical industries.
Read MoreMy Piece of Space Shuttle History
A sample of the silica insulation developed for the “tiles” that formed a critical part of the space shuttle’s Thermal Protection System came my way in the early 1980s. I’ve saved it all these years as a reminder of the technology (particularly five-axis machining) that made space shuttle flight possible.
Read MoreDoosan Makes a Power Play
The South Korean builder is directing its focus toward rigid machine platforms capable of heavy cuts in tough materials.
Read MoreMaking the Most of Rotary Axes
Shops new to advanced rotary machining are sometimes held back by fundamental misunderstandings.
Read MoreSoftware Streamlines Model-to-Mold Production
At Marland Mold, CimatronE CAM software’s modeling tools, postprocessors and other features streamline manufacturing operations from initial design to finished part.
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