Metalworking Fluids

Effective Filtration Adds Machining Hours

Sussek Machine says its expertise extends beyond what one might expect of a traditional job shop. Off-highway equipment OEMs comprise a large portion of the shop’s clientele, as the company machines steering arms, knuckles, shifter forks and other cast iron components.

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A New Approach To Critical Fluid Maintenance

Today, viscosity can be measured precisely by a sensor device that is immersed directly under a stream of fluid or mounted in the fluid tank or pipeline. In simplified terms, the sensor uses sound waves that lose energy when emitted along surfaces of a quartz crystal in contact with the fluid.

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Oil & Gas

Separator Solves Tramp Oil Dilemma

Debco Machine, Inc. (Natick, Massachusetts), a job shop specializing in precision components from aluminum, plastics and stainless steel, was faced with what it characterized as a particularly demanding requirement for tramp oil removal from the sump of a Matsuura 510 vertical machining center, a machine that is in nearly constant use. About 1 gallon per day of tramp oil enters the 100-gallon coolant sump of this machine.

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