Indexing Tables Support Moving Work between Machines
The MBT series of manual indexing tables from Indexing Technologies incorporates a precision Hirth coupling (face gear) for optimum positioning accuracy, repeatability and rigidity.
Read MoreVise System for Quickly Clamping 16 Parts
A New York job shop minimizes setup and change-over time with a homegrown system consisting of closely spaced double-acting vises embedded into a plate. After using it for decades, the shop is now supplying this system to other shops.
Read MorePermanent Lifting Magnets Carry Semi-Finished Products
Eriez’s SafeHold line of permanent lifting magnets are ideal for carrying semi-finished products such as machined parts, castings, press molds, steel plates, bars and tubes without slings, hooks or cables.
Read MoreSmall Vacuum Conveyors Attach to Ordinary Piping
Exair’s aluminum 3/8 and ½ NPT Threaded Line Vac air-operated conveyors convert ordinary pipe into a powerful conveying system for parts, scrap, trim and other bulk materials.
Read MoreThe Parakeep. An Adjustable Parallel Keeper
According to its manufacturer, it’s a device that effectively keeps workholding parallels in place while a vise is opened and closed.
Read MoreCompact Vise Suits Smaller Four-, Five-Axis Mills
Designed to be the smallest self-centering vise in its line, the 5th Axis V75100 five-axis vise offers maximum rigidity and clamping force.
Read MoreTop Jaws Evenly Distribute Force across Thin-Walled Workpieces
Dillon Manufacturing’s aluminum full-grip jaws, available in sizes ranging from 5" to 24" in diameter, are ideal for machining thin-walled parts.
Read MoreSealing System Protects Chucks from Debris
Erowa’s ITS 50 Holder C protects chucks against copper chips, graphite dust or fine chips from high-speed cutting during manufacturing processes.
Read MoreClamping System’s Hydraulic Components Promote Accuracy
Euro-Tech’s MyTec Hydraclamp expansion tools include a line of mechanical arbors and chucks with clamping accuracies ranging to 0.0004" and expansion rates to 0.010" or higher.
Read More3D-Printed Tooling Speeds Manufacturing of Cutting Tools
Knight Carbide's insert delivery times had to wait on custom tooling, so they acquired a Mojo desktop 3D printer from Stratasys make their own. Lead times for insert carriers were shortened from weeks to just six hours.
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